Sustaining Salons

2024 Pre-Budget Submission

We at the IHF are dedicated to advocating for the interests of salon owners across Ireland. We are pleased to share with you our pre-budget submission to the Government ahead of the 2025 Budget, which will be announced on Tuesday, October 1st.
In our submission, we have outlined several critical measures necessary to support and sustain our industry:
  • The restoration of the 9% VAT rate.
  • Greater engagement with business owners to ensure the introduction and implementation of a living wage that is sustainable for businesses.
  • Extend the repayment terms for warehoused debt and apply 0% interest for any legacy debt owed to Revenue.
  • Provide more targeted grants and supports for salons concerning high energy costs and rates.
  • Reduce employer PRSI contributions for employees in salons.
Read and Download our Pre-Budget Submission
Media Coverage Document

We need your help to ensure our voices are heard. We urge you to forward our pre-budget submission to your local representatives.

By doing so, we can amplify our message and increase the likelihood of these critical measures being adopted.